New “Smart” Collar to help understand your dogs emotions

Do we really need it

Inupathy Smart Collar

What is the Inupathy Smart Collar?

There is a new doggy gadget coming to the market soon a dog collar that can actually inform you of your dog’s current mood and emotions. As humans its very difficult to really understand how your dog is feeling, we quite often think the dog is happy and having fun but is it? Perhaps something as simple as knowing what their barking or other behaviour actually means. Maybe you just want to feel more connected emotionally to your dog for that piece of mind. Well, this new Inupathy Smart Collar from Inupathy does just that and its coming soon.

The Inupathy smart collar has been developed in Japan by Joji Yamaguchi, a biologist, he says it has helped him learn and understand more about his dogs behaviour. The Inupathy Smart Collar is really a harness that is put on over the dogs front legs and rests on the back and chest of the dog. Yamaguchi believes that the Inupathy collar will mean people can be closer to their dog by under standing it more. inupathy-collar

The Inupathy Smart Collar is lined with LED’s that glows different colours to indicate different moods. The Inupathy has sensors built into it that monitor the dogs heart and software can then determine a mood from a algorithm that is built from Yamaguchi’s research. Each pre-programmed  emotional state will display a colour to inform the owner of the dogs mood. The colours of the lights range from Red – anxious or excited, blue – relaxed and white is for focused mental stimulation and the rainbow colours indicate happiness.

inupathy-animationAs most technology nowadays you can download and app and link you phone to the collar. Meaning you can always check how your dog is feeling and see more data. Once linked to the collar more apps can be launched depending on how the dog is feeling. If the collar thinks the dog is a bit bored it will load an app to give you ideas of some fun games. Again because of the app and lights you will see you dogs mood improve.

You will get a score of how much fun your dog is having on a 1-100 scale. The app also records average happiness and you can look through all the data as a historic record.

Does it work?

There is no scientific evidence that the Inupathy Smart Collar is 100% accurate but it does show some of the psychological and emotional states of the dogs and what can change them and cause them. So owners will be able to improve their understanding of what their dog is experiencing and how to help mange that.

This could be seen as a way to improve the treatment of pets, because the owner would have an idea of how the dog is feeling.

However, do dogs need technology, is there anything really wrong with a good old walk and run about outside in the real world to keep a dog happy.

This high tech smart gadget is expected to be available in December this year – keep an eye out online or on the Inupathy facebook page


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