Vets Now, a pet emergency service for the UK, is warning dog owners to be extra careful this Valentines Day. The most popular gifts at this time are chocolates and flowers. These can have serious consequences for dogs and in extreme cases can prove deadly.
The UK spends around £1 billion on valentines day gifts each year with this year expected to be even higher. At the top spot of this spend is flowers accounting for 30% of all the money spent. Chocolate comes in second followed by pampering products. Its is these flower and chocolates that could be the accidental deadly gift.
The majority of dog owners are aware of the dangers of chocolate to dogs, but not all know about the dangers of flowers. The popular flowers given at valentines day can contain hidden dangers. This can make them extremely toxic to cats and dogs, resulting in vomiting, diarrhoea, and even kidney failure.
Each year hundreds of dogs and cats end up in out-of-hours vets with emergency appointments after consuming chocolate. Cats have often come into contact with flowers, especially lilies which can cause death.
Cat owners should be very aware if lilies are given or brought in to the house as all parts of the plant are toxic. The water in the vase will become toxic after the flowers have been in the for a while.

There are a variety of flowers and plants that can be toxic to dogs as well and many are treated in vets with plant poisoning. The dogs trust have a great datasheet that lists many of the plants to look out for, you can fine it here
For milk chocolate treatment will be required if they have eaten 14g for every kilogram they weigh.
For dark chocolate treatment will be required if they have eaten 3.5g for every kilogram they weigh.
Amaryllis bulbs
Asparagus fern
Daffodil bulbs
Day lilies
Dog’s Mercury (Mercurialis perennis)
Lily of the valley
Morning glory
Rhubarb leaves
Sweet pea
Tulip bulbs
Umbrella plant